Is Business Behaving Badly or is the Blob of Bureaucracy to Blame?
Many US citizens believe that the corporate world is totally corrupt and of course they believe this because they have been told by the mass media hysteria on their television sets that all business people are bad? Many people have surrendered their minds to their television sets and therefore they believe whatever they hear on TV. Further the media will often interview the government and the regulatory agencies and talk about ethics on television. Although there is a little bit of hypocrisy there obviously too.
Unfortunately, what many people do not understand is that many of the rules that are being broken are actually regulations that should have never been made in the first place, as they go against the innate characteristics of the species and the normal interaction between human beings. Additionally, it should be noted that you cannot regulate morality that is something that happens everywhere; morality issues are all over. It happens in government, the schools, churches, nonprofits, sports teams, politics and of course in business too.
Is business behaving badly or is it simply the blob of bureaucracy that we should really blame? The reason I point this out is that we are making criminals out of normal entrepreneurs. If you look around yourself right now and consider that every place you go and everything you see was brought there and made by an entrepreneur or a business or a corporation. If we over regulate these businesses then the American citizenry will get less and pay more for what they do get.
After all it is the consumer that desires something and it is the entrepreneur or business, which delivers it and makes it available for a corresponding unit of trade that we call a dollar. Each time the regulatory agencies make another law to regulate morality they find businesses trying to go around that law and therefore they shore it up with another regulation until there are so many regulations that no one knows what the law is including the lawyers who the businesses must hire just to explain it to them. All this does is stifle our economy and hurt the flows of our civilization. Perhaps you might consider this in 2006.
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