Thursday, July 5, 2007

Professional Parasites and Amateur Professionals Considered

Have you ever met a well-dressed Buzz Word Blitzing Professional Parasite Practitioner? Well they are everywhere, they say all the right things and then you wonder if you can trust the slick well dressed person and their substantially high rates.

Recently in an article someone had pointed this out to me and a very good article indeed and in my business career let me tell you I have met tons of both Professional Parasites and also amateurs who had integrity and indeed were extremely professional and great to do business with. My favorite type of person to do business with is the true man of honor and character who dresses like a regular guy, calls an ace an ace and a spade a spade.

He knows something inside that he is honorable and capable, sometimes he might use a swear word now and again. BS walks with him. He does what he says he will do and does not care what others might say about him personally, or perhaps does but generally never says a word about it. He despises professional parasites, but never to their face, cordial completely unless they cross him. I guess he the guy with the regular hat and all the land and cattle. Not the 10-gallon Stetson, with extras on it and a line of malarkey a mile long.

If you are ever in the presence of an amateur who runs their business like a professional you will know that hand shake and their word means something. And every time you are screwed over by a professional parasite, you will know it too. Consider all this in 2006.