Ramadan To Be Hanged: Good Work Boys!
Ramadan to be hanged: Good work boys!
I’m not sure why, how and when the UN came up with a policy to not kill, killers, or to save killers, or to preserve them for posterity in prison cells, but it is a bad policy. And so thinks the Iraqi government, or legal process:“Iraq's High Tribunal has sentenced Saddam Hussein's former vice-president Taha Yassin Ramadan to be hanged. He was tried alongside the former Iraqi leader over the killing of 148 Shias in the village of Dujail in the 1980s.” Now anyone in their right mind knows this high ranking devil of Iraq had his hands bloodier than simply killing only 148 Shias, which is a lot in itself, perhaps he should take credit for the mass murders across Iraq during his whole term in office. In any case, I think the UN, as I have often said, is the devils playground for world disorder.
America seems to need it for a platform to speak I guess, but at such a price. The Iraq judge paid little attention, as has Israel, and the US and Russia, and China to the UN, when it comes to self interests, and perhaps with good reason, it is the devils backyard, as I repeat myself. So good for the judging and sentencing and the good men of Iraq, who do not want to pay taxes to feed fat killers like Ramadan. Good work boys. You saved the nation a headache. Plus I’m sure if you would have let him live he would have boasted between his cell mates, how brave he was in killing this person and that person, and so forth and so on (or having them killed). He was indeed, a deadly cockroach.
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